Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6

Tuesday is a class day.  And, this one included meetings and a delightful lunch with our London program director at a small Lebanese restaurant.  I have had some time to think about Barcelona and a few random thoughts to share.
First, here is one of the quintessential sights in Barcelona:  motorbikes. Everywhere.

Another oddity is the size of the fish.  The second time I was surprised by the size of the fish, I began to notice that my expectations were way off.  I ordered bass.  Now, in California, one could expect a two to three inch thick serving of white fish sans skin that might be the size of a large hamburger patty.  Not here.   Think bigger than the sardines we use as bait to fish for halibut but smaller than a rainbow trout.  Yes, that does not account for the head, either.
Here is a GENEROUS size serving of bass--bigger than my order.  By the time it is skinned and the bones picked off, I got about six small bite size mouthfuls.  But.  It was delicious.

I also found, in the Gothic Quarter, that most shops were operated by East Indians, primarily Punjabs.  Often Singhs.  Their English was the only reliable English in Barcelona.   On the streets and in restaurants, it was  unlikely to find fluent English speakers.  That being said, I found everyone willing to make attempts to decipher my pidgen Spanish/Spanglish with very good will. People were extremely helpful and indulgent.

My other find in Barcelona was jewelry.  Beautiful silver pieces and vintage maiorca pearls.  Both weakness.

The patron saint of Catalonia is Sta. Eulalia.  It caught my attention because the cook in our convent at  Mission San Gabriel was Sr. Eulalia.  Of course, as a teenager, it did not enter my consciousness that the "help" taking care of the domestic tasks for the teaching nuns were the Mexican nuns.  We seldom saw the "help" but when I was in 10th grade, the principal (Sr. John Dominic) summoned my friend Shannon and I to the office and tasked us with going out in the world to find a kitten that day to replace the cat that had died.  We took the entire day--of course requiring stops for hamburgers, etc. to find two kittens for the convent.  Sr. Eulalia cried when we delivered the little ones.

Long story--it turns out that Sta. Eulalia, the patron saint of Barcelona, was a 13 year old martyr who refused to renounce her faith at the request of the Romans.  They tortured her for 4 years and murdered her when at age 13.  Hence, the cathedral keeps 13 white GEESE in the vestibule in her honor.  And, yes, they are live geese.

I was delighted to hear from Patty that some of my O'Donovan cousins are tuning in to the blog.  Sheila, Cousin Mike (of the bassoon, not the pilot of airplanes), Honorary Cousin Barbara and Lauren, too.  Welcome.  If any of you have Cousin Mary Moodle's email, please send her the linky.  I forgot to contact her before I left.

Molly sent photos today that document my Dutch Iris at home are blooming as well as the daffodils.  Nice.  Mom is doing really well, too.
I have a ridiculous schedule tomorrow and then off to Prague on Thursday.  Hopefully, there will be internet.

Starting to miss my family and friends.  Be well.
All good vibes to you.

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