Thursday, January 19, 2012

Send off January 16

Jan 16                                                                                           
It is hard to describe the feelings I am experiencing en route to London anticipating travels in the EU.  The closest I can come is that it is like jumping over a stream aiming for the only dry rock mid way across the deep water.  There is that glitch of hesitation, that pulling up all the core energy into the head, making the body lighter, stretching out the one leg while the other pushes hard against the footing to launch out using clear vision to land precisely on the skipping rock.  It feels risky, but exhilarating, too. It requires trust—in my own ability and in the universal plan.  And it helps to be certain I am right where I am supposed to be.
The universe could not have aligned more perfectly for this sendoff.  My spirits were soothed and invigorated by the day of love and celebration at Kathleen and A.C.’s wedding.  I was buoyed by seeing almost everyone who was an important part of my childhood as well as the those who have loved and supported us while she was coming up. What incredible energy, too, to have the four families celebrating together: the remnants of the Walshes, all the living Watfords, the entire Beavers clan, and the new and welcome addition: the Campbells.
Thanks to Patty, I was upgraded to business class with a recliner that went horizontal for sleep.  Excellent service and four hours sleep. Hopefully, I will photos of wedding to post soon.  It was spectacular!

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