Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday site seeing

The morning started sunny with blue sky, but by noon half (that would be 12:30) it was drizzly, freezing and blustery.  Some of the iconic sites I visited this morning.
Now, if I can learn two things I will be happier: 1) how to make the photos post top to bottom rather than sideways, and 2) what language my Ipad2 speaks because its auto correct spelling is driving me nuts.

Here is a snap of the walk home from the tube. And, home at last.
The rest of the evening is reserved for some library research and working on a draft article.  What I miss most from home is being able to walk out on the patio and snip some thyme or tarragon to flavor up a simple thing like a poached egg.   It is also hard to believe that I am in London without a teapot!

Classes start for students tomorrow.  Mine are scheduled Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Be well, all.

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