Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1, Wednesday

Whew.  It is soooo cold today. Expected to get to a high of 38 degrees, but I don’t think it did; added to that is a 14mph NE wind blowing down on London.  All this suiting up in layers and unwrapping when returning to the flat is an interesting ritual.  It was so cold in the flat when the heat went off around 9am that I thought errands would be well-timed.  Super layered-up in all manner of silks and wools, I headed out. The cold wind makes my dry eyes water so that my  entire cheeks are covered in icy-cold wetness. Not frozen, just frigid.  

Since once again snow is forecast, I thought I would lay in enough provisions for a two or three days. The down side to that plan is that  it did not all fit in my backpack. Carrying canvas bags of bulky items did not permit my gloved hands to be firmly planted in my coat pockets.  No matter how cold the flat seems, there is nothing like a brisk walk outdoors to make the return home a warm welcome.

My ongoing obsession with hot water hit a new wrinkle today.  The water pipes are so cold that the usual 40 minute warming of water via fuse box gave me only 2 inches of tepid water in the tub. That is due, in part, to how cast iron absorbs heat and to barely enough heated water to approximate my body temperature.  I have been made to feel so fearful of leaving the switchbox "on" for more than 45 minutes, that I watch the clock with real anxiety every minute after 30--cringing at the possibility of an impending explosion. I will never take for granted either a hot shower or a hot,soak in my over sized tub at home.  

We have Wicked tickets this evening. Should be lighthearted fun.

It is tempting to stay in with a hot cuppa tea, but that seems so wrong that I will venture out in the dark coldness. I only hope to avoid getting lost on the 20 minute walk, in the dark, between tube and theater.

My comprehension of the idiom and dialects here is improving. Making acquaintances of locals helps; a few have been generous about emailing and facebooking so I am getting the low down on local goings on.  

I do find it odd that I have not seen one person who lives in this building or the two on either side.  I occasionally hear banging on the shared wall by my bed like clockwork--at 1am local time. The landlord tells me that flat is occupied by an elderly pensioner from Portugal who tends to the potted plants in the vestibule.  I have never seen any evidence that she exists.

Send warm thoughts.  Abrazos y besos.

1 comment:

  1. For some reason I didn't get signed up to follow your blog, but I think I've got it done now. So I will be reading them all soon. Have to run to school for class activity. Más luego.
