Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day, family et al.

What a wonderful day. It was about 42 degrees today—the first time it has busted over the thirties and it felt glorious to be out walking around without gloves.  Liberating.  Of course, by 2:30, that London mist rolled in with its bone chilling drizzle and wind.  Still, and all, it is a great harbinger of things to come. And, gloves and hat are just a backpack away so it does not deter the fun when the weather switches.

What continues to blow my mind is the architecture. The art!  The history everywhere you turn around.  And, the fascinating little walks up little cobblestone alleys filled with surprises.  I found tiny coffee filters on Drury Lane which I had been searching for high and low; I only drip one cup of coffee a day and needed the petite variety filter. 
Did I forget to mention the convenience of living?  It is so special to be so close to everything with so much to do and many things free. 

The internet was not working in our alternative classroom today so I could not do what I had planned—a  critical analysis of meaning-making by children using  valentines and a 10 minute clip from Barbie Nation.  Pity.  But, we spent time in a circle discussing Barrie Thorne’s Gender Play and giving examples of “gendered” spaces. 

Two hours later we were off to walk to the Piccadilly line for Covent Garden and some street performances.  It is really different to be out of the classroom with students—and so much more enlightening to me.  I really forget how reluctant many of them still remain about saying what they are thinking in the classroom.  I’ll keep egging them on.  They are getting familiar with each other and there is a very good spirit in both classes.

Early afternoon, I peeled off and walked to Trafalgar Square with the intent of re-visiting the photography exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery. But, the weather was too nice to go inside and there were inviting walks ahead.

 Mermaids in the water.  How perfect!

Ended up in SW London and decided to pop into the Tate.  Wow.  Rodin’s “The Kiss” and the Turner collection filled me--emotionally and psychically.  

 The photo off the internet does NO justice to the piece.  It is dazzling.
A little taste of Turner to whet your fantasy.
In person--you will have no breathe left.

On the way home, I picked up a lovely little tuna fillet to sear and serve over asparagus; alongside will be roasted sweet potato/bell peppers/onion with herbs.  For the holiday, I bought a small dark chocolate brownie.  It promises to be an excellent meal after a stellar day.
It is also good to know my valentine message and photo got my sister Molly spitting out her morning toothpaste in a spasm of laughing.  It was a photo of this tile from Warren Street tube.

I knew it would remind of one of our favorite childhood television shows—a creepy, macabre sci fi series that aired for a short time in the early 1960’s-- in the time slot before Twilight Zone. It was called “Way out.”  It did trigger the memory of the brain in the jar.  Her valentine made me laugh, too, so nobody won our favorite game.
As children, Molly & I had an on-going game where one of us was “queen” and could order the other one around—literally be waited on.  The servant had to do whatever the queen asked.  You lost the “Queen” status the minute you laughed, so we spent a huge amount of energy as children figuring out how to tickle one another’s funny bones (no touching allowed), to make the sister laugh and replace her as the “Queen.”  Good to know a few words can still trigger that.

A couple more pieces of tile work from the underground:

It seems that Iberia Airlines is on strike with 50% flights cancelled within Spain and 25% outbound cancelled that originate in Spain.  Nancy & I are booked on Iberia.  My flight to Madrid is OK and so far, our flight to Lisbon is on.  We’ll have to do a group conscience Friday in Madrid to see whether we cross the picket line.  Send good thoughts.  It is WARM in Lisbon—high 50’s to low 60’s so I am dreaming of the freedom tee shirt and slacks would offer.

Tomorrow I plan to visit Man Ray at the Tate Modern. 

Be well. Spread some love. Warm wishes and good vibes. 

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