Thursday, February 16, 2012

Occupy Wall Street @ St. Paul's Cathedral

Thursday, February 16th 

An exhausting day: we all met at Occupy Wall Street encampment at 8:45. 

There were three students sick, so 24 of us wandered around the tents.  Most of the protesters were still in tents and the few wandering about were probably not a random sample of the movement—two were rolling blunts and toking up to start the day.  One was drinking lager and two others, who were articulate, suggested we return after 11am.  That was not in the cards as we needed to back at university.

The signage on many of the tents was interesting.  The area was clean, but jam packed with single person tents and several large tents that served as the “library,” first aid center and “OWS university.”  

Henry Ford quote: It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

The students were each to talk to three protesters so that we could return and compare notes.  Unfortunately by 10am when my students knew the folks by name, I decided to return ourselves to the classroom.
We separated into small groups and took different routes back to the classroom.

The ensuing discussion was an eye-popper for me.  It will take some time to process how cynical and pessimistic these young, privileged students are about their futures and the conditions in the US.  But it was a frank, open discussion and will change what transpires the rest of the semester here as they gave me a good sense of what they are hungry to understand about US economy, politics, health care system, etc.  All of which fits nicely in a course on inequality.

This photo captures a moment that just slayed me. Ray is squeezing Purell on Jeff’s hands after they had talked to—talked to(!) an OWS protester.  I gave them a really hard time as I snapped a shot. I asked if this was a key difference between Criminal Justice majors(the one on the right) and sociologists. We had a few good laughs over this episode.

I have to pack and take a walk this evening in preparation of the early flight tomorrow to Madrid.  I have to leave the flat way too early, walk to the overground railroad at the Hampstead Heath, train to West Hampstead, jump on the Jubilee line to Baker Street,  hop on the Bakerloo line to Paddington and catch the Heathrow Express train to airport.  None of that would be too much, except workers will be commuting and I will have a roll-on bag on the very crowded tube.
Once there, change terminals and find Nancy at the gate for our Lisbon flight.  Whoo hoo.  Her house mama is sending me a Spanish omelet for refreshment on our flight. How sweet is that?
It is 60 degrees in Lisbon.  Tee shirt weather here we come. My landlord stopped by this evening to see if I needed anything. He and his wife just returned today from a week in Lisbon and he affirmed that the weather is warm and sunny.
Quien sabe estamos hacienda travesuras in Lisbon. 
So, stay dry in Southern California.

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